Speaker: State Senator Hilkemann

State Senator Robert Hilkemann, http://news.legislature.ne.gov/dist04/

“Meeting with people is my favorite part of my job.”
Serving on the Appropriations committee as a freshman senator is an honor. They meet 5 days a week on budgets and requests. Must cut from day 1 to keep the overall Nebraska state budget on task. The public hearing portion can take 3 weeks. The budget came in at 3.1% so there is some property tax relief. 
Property tax inequality is a huge issue. Rural vs Urban is driving part of the issue.  And the property valuation is driving tax increases as well. 

Health care costs are unsustainable.  This summer with Nebraska Health and Human Services to work on cutting 5% of the Medicade spend. 
Education is important but 50 high schools in Nebraska have less than 50 students. The cost per student to educate is about double compared to Millard Public Schools. 
This summer, Bob is also going to visit all the State parks. So he can personally see how monies are spent.