Speaker: Salvation Army

Greg is the Director of Volunteer Services for the Salvation Army. 
The only major fundraising is bell ringing. All the sites for bell ringing will be open this weekend. 
Salvation Army has services and service extension offices. These are volunteers in smaller communities that are trained on Salvation Army offerings and can help extend services to people in need. 
Salvation Army is building a new building – the first new facility since the Kroc Center. 
Thanksgiving morning they will deliver 1550 meals in our area. This is done mainly with volunteer labor – preparing the meals Wednesday night and delivering.  
There are Thrift Stores run by the Salvation Army. They will pick up donations. The proceeds are for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. 
The Lied Center us for young mothers and pregnant women who are homeless and need resources. 
Disaster Units are going out on Winter Night Watch. This program is to take services to the homeless. Food, coats, and personal care items are provides at various locations around Omaha. 
Greg runs background checks on all volunteers in contact with youth. 
Thank you, Greg, for all your hard work!