Speaker: David Klitz, Habitat for Humanity

David Klitz manages the Habitat for Humanity Restore stores. The proceeds from the stores provides the money to build 4 new homes through the Habitat program each year. 

Habit has rehabbed or built over 330 homes in Omaha to date.  

The selection process for a Habitat recipient is stringent. They require families to participate in the building process and take classes on home maintenance.

Restore is looking for building materials, fixtures, landscape materials, or anything from the garage that is usable for home improvement. Donations from businesses are also welcome. There are 2 stores in Omaha. For information on the stores to buy or sell, visit their website

Klitz also shared a presentation on an international project he was part of in hurricane damaged Haiti. Homes that Haitians place a high value on are generally 350 square feet, have no electricity, or running water. 
See HabitatOmaha.org for more information. 

Thanks, David for speaking to the Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha.