Speaker : Alan Parsow

Alan Parsow is a partner in Elkhorn Partners. Alan has been on the Board of Directors for HBSC bank for 27 years. 

His privately held fund out performs all standards to the S&P and other fund performance gauges. 
Issue in the US economy is that 85% of all financial assets are owned by less than 15% of the general population. This is a significant problem of increasing the gap between rich and poor. The US government has not been addressing this issue. 
Zero interest rates have hurt retires. There are few places to make passive income to help with retirement. 
Current economic policies do not address growing jobs. At a rate of 2.5% growth jobs are not being created fast enough to support higher interest rates. 
One area investors are finding stable growth is multi family properties. 
Thank you Alan for your interesting take on economics and finance.