Meeting Notes

Happy Bucks is our main fundraiser! Please be happy each week as our goal is $50 a meeting. We would like to keep our Club well funded without a large fundraiser. 

Shawn Linehan is our membership chair this year. Shawn has an aggressive goal for recruiting new members. 
Sacred Heart had 5 readers last week. We need 4 readers each Friday. Sign up with Dale. 
December 7 is our Holiday lunch with Sacred Heart! We are looking for volunteers to ride the bus with the kids. There are 19 second graders this year. 
Salvation Army Bell Ringing is Saturday, December 5. Vince is taking sign ups for 2 locations. 
Venue change! Our contract runs out in March 2016. Let Eddie know of any location ideas for Kiwanis.  
Speaker coordinator is an one month commitment. Vince needs a volunteer for next October. Please let Vince know if you can coordinate that month. 
Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha