In Case You Were Wondering What You’ve Signed Up For…

Sometimes we forget what duties we’ve signed up for, here’s a cheater…. (If you ever need to – search the website at, bottom of the page.)  

Thanks for your support of our Kiwanis Club! 

Speaker Assignments 2015

January                Kip Squire
February              Buck Greenberg
March                   John Hartwell
April                       Shawn Linehan
May                       Joe Grier
June                      Rod Muench
July                        Sarah Ashley
August                  Eddie Biwer
September         Jack Pagel
October               Bria Farris
January Invocation Assignments

5th           Bob Reisser
12th         Bill Spiecker
19th         Shawn Linehan
26th         John Hartwell

2015 Attendance Takers