Meeting Notes

Sacred Heart reading kicked off with 5 Kiwanians volunteer reading last Friday. Dale is looking for another couple readers for this coming Friday.

KCOGO is sponsoring 2 campers to Kiwanis Leadership Camp this fall from the Hope Center. 
Vince is starting sign up for Salvation Army bell ringing Saturday, December 5. Details to come. 
Speaker Calendar for 2016 is being circulated. Even if you don’t want to commit for a month, speaker suggestions are always welcome to Vince.

Our new president reminds us that we have an easy fundraising set up! Many organizations spend hours putting together events to raise money for good works. We have 2 simple, on going ones.

Happy Bucks continues to be our primary fundraiser. $’s being accepted at every meeting.

Recycling Print Cartridges – bring to the meeting. Office Depot pays us for each cartridge we turn in.